Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Mom

Many of you know that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer this past spring. The game plan is 6 rounds of Chemo and then surgery. She began Chemo on May 21st and continues treatments every 3 weeks...with weekly blood work inbetween. Today she went for her 3rd round of Chemo...this entails blood work, a visit with a nurse, an exam by the nurse practicioner, a meeting with the oncologist and then Chemo. Keep praying, it is working!!! After round one of Chemo, the lump was about half the original size (5mm) and her blood work was great (white cell count high). Today they told her that her blood work was excellent and they would not have to give her the medicine to boost her immune system this time (this medicine makes her have flu like symptoms for several days after Chemo). Also, the nurse practioner said that if you did not know where to feel for the lump, you would not know it was there. Please keep praying! Next round of Chemo is July 24.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for your mom, Amanda!!! I hope you are doing great!
